Peanut Shake
by Cristy-Lucie Alvarado
June 18, 2008
24 E 12th St
(5th Ave & University Pl)
New York, NY 10003
I finally took a break from the toasted marshmallow shake at Stand and strategically chose a new flavor: peanut. Not hazelnut or peanut butter, just good ol’ simple peanut. With Il Laboratorio del Gelato’s gelato as the base, Stand’s milkshakes seem unbearably sweet when they first hit your tongue, but after one sip, your mouth enters a state of bliss and the super sweetness is quickly forgotten. The nutty milkshake comes equipped with a wide straw, so you thoroughly enjoy the thickness and fine peanut crumbs. It’s no toasted marshmallow shake, but it’s a very close second.
Also in American, Drinks, Greenwich Village