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Premium Kalbi
March 30, 2012

New Wonjo

Premium Kalbi

Jason W

This specials menu dish, also known as snow blossom or noongot kalbi, is a premium version of the familiar unmarinated kalbi — thin slices of beautifully marbled rib meat, which sear quickly and are melt-in-your-mouth tender when not overcooked. In addition to the usual sesame seed oil with salt and pepper, soy sauce with wasabi are sometimes provided as a dipping sauce, but the full flavor of tender, juicy beef is satisfying regardless of the sauce. In fact, wrappers (lettuce or rice paper) are not even recommended, so as to not interfere with the flavor of the beef. While it is generally not considered to be the best way to enjoy Korean barbecue, I’m partial to popping a mouthful of rice in with the meat because I enjoy the addition of its very faint sweetness.

New Wonjo

23 W 32nd St
New York, NY
Korea Town