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Grape Jelly
September 07, 2010

Bonne Maman

Grape Jelly

Celia Sin-Tien Cheng

It has been years since I last indulged in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, even though I love them. PB&Js are the sort of comfort food that you just can’t stop craving once they come to mind. So when I found out that the French preserves company Bonne Maman had launched a new grape jelly, I immediately stocked up on peanut butter and bread and made myself the perfect PB&J.

Bonne Maman makes some of my favorite confitures. They are elegant, yet simple enough for a classic, no-frills PB&J — and they can be found, conveniently, in most supermarkets throughout New York City and the U.S. Bonne Maman’s new grape jelly is made from Muscat grapes, which have a natural abundance of sweetness.

I love reliving my childhood, and that sweet and gooey little sandwich brought me back to some happy times. The only difference is that now, as a grown-up, I can choose what type of peanut butter and jelly to use — so of course I’m going with the best!

Bonne Maman

New York, NY
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