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May 30, 2012

Georgia O'Keeffe Museum


Celia Sin-Tien Cheng

I have never been an avid fan of Georgia O’Keeffe, but after visiting the O’Keeffe Museum, I realized that I had such little knowledge of her body of work, and what few things I had learned about her in college art history were misconceptions. I didn’t know enough about her work and her progression as an artist to judge. For instance, I didn’t know that the sexual insinuations in her paintings were largely imposed by critics after her husband, Alfred Stieglitz, curated an exhibition of many nude photos he took of her. She was so uncomfortable with all the Freudian associations that she turned to landscape paintings. The museum is small and manageable with nine galleries, including a video alcove that runs extremely informative videos on her life. O’Keeffe lived for 98 years, nearly 40 of which she spent in New Mexico. She loved the landscape and felt at home in her beloved New Mexico, and this museum, in turn, is a tribute to how much New Mexico loves O’Keeffe. While I’m familiar with her large-scale paintings of flowers and New Mexico landscapes, I was surprised by her earlier watercolors, which are simple abstract precursors to her later works. If you have the chance, also check out the Georgia O’Keeffe Home and Studio in Abiquiu and nearby Ghost Ranch, to tour the landscape of her famous paintings (about an hour’s drive from downtown, both by reservation only).

Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

217 Johnson St
Santa Fe, NM
Santa Fe