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Guava Cake / Celia Sin-Tien Cheng
Guava Cake / Celia Sin-Tien Cheng
May 31, 2007



Celia Sin-Tien Cheng

In recent years, I’ve developed the habit of bringing my own meals on plane rides. So wherever I travel, I am always looking out for what will make ideal snacks (yes, multiple courses) for the trip back to New York. On this trip, I found my snacks at Shirokiya, a Japanese department store. Shirokiya was the original name of the department store chain now known as Tokyu in Japan. The one in Honolulu is located at the Ala Moana Shopping Center, right next to Macy’s. Growing up, Shirokiya was a staple hangout. Sometimes we’d eat the pastries and cakes of Saint-Germain and Dee Lite Bakery or look for cool stationery or cute Sanrio goods, but mainly we’d just hang out at the second floor food court. Although food courts are traditionally located in the basements of Japanese department stores, the one at Shirokiya in Honolulu still abounds with countless vendors offering all the Japanese goodies you can imagine. The quality is not as refined as what you’ll find in Japan, but the variety is worth commending. From tempura, rice balls, yakisoba to bentos and sushi, they’ve got it all. There are also sweets counters whose delicacies range from Hawaiian-style mochi to the seasonal Japanese delicacies of Minamoto Kitchoan. Whether for a plane ride or just to cure the munchies, I highly recommend Shirokiya. It’s fun to pick and choose from a diverse selection of Japanese goodies.


1450 Ala Moana Blvd
Honolulu, HI
Ala Moana