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BluePrintCleanse's Spicy Lemonade
October 05, 2011

Whole Foods

BluePrintCleanse's Spicy Lemonade

Cynthia Sin-Yi Cheng

I never thought I’d be hooked on a spicy lemonade. BluePrintCleanse’s creation ($6.99) is actually part of their cleanse. As you know my eating habit and lifestyle really clashes with a cleanse, but I bought this to try as an occasional replacement for wine with meals. The cayenne pepper in this concoction really fires you up but not right away. Your first sip seems so innocent and lemonlicious — then bam, the spice soars and wakes you up. What amazes me is how seamless and refreshing the drink is. Now I buy it regularly as I simply crave the taste. I figure a vitamin C boost and a very mini cleanse has to be a good thing!

Whole Foods

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